Norway real estate market gets stronger

During the last eight years, the property market in Norway has a growing trend. And now, it seems to get stability; it also has had to toughen hypothecation norms and lifting mortgage.
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According to Statistics Norway data, housing price index inched up by 2.27% during 2018. Considering inflation, Norwegian house prices on the real estate market brought up by 0.16%. During the last quarter, countrywide prices for dwelling scaled down by 2.35%, 3.27% inflation-adjusted. There is a list of cities, where property worth rose the most.
Oslo had the biggest annual price lifting by 4.45% (2.28% inflation-adjusted) in 2018, in opposite to dropped by3.01% (-5.16% inflation-adjusted) during the previous year, 2017. And now it takes a steady position on the property market. Bergen, the accommodation price index lightly increased by 1.51% (but fell by 0.59% adjusted for inflation). In the last quarter, housing prices got lower by 2.42% compared with the previous quarter (- 3.34% adjusted for inflation). Trondheim, property value popped over by 3.37% (1.23% adjusted for inflation). At the beginning of 2019, housing prices slightly increased by 0.18%. Stavanger, housing prices fell by 3.31% (-5.31% adjusted for inflation). In the course of 2018, local housing cost declined by 1.33% (-2.26% adjusted for inflation).
Of the country's regions in Sør-Ostlandet, there was the highest annual price rate rising — a restrained 2.85 %, came after Akershus, excepting Brum with 2.71%, Nord-Norway 2.53%, and Hedmark and Oppland 2.14%. The minimum annual price clam was observed in Westland, except for Bergen (1.18%), as well as in Agder and Rogaland without Stavanger (0.4%). On the other hand, housing prices fell by 3.35% in Trondegas, excluding Trondheim.
Because of inflation, the nationwide housing price index has lifted by 0.04% during the year to Q1 2019, after a year-year collapse by 1.05% in Q4 2008, 0.32% in Q3 0.73% in Q2 and 3.01% in Q1. In the fourth quarter, the real estate part of the market has risen by 2.36% over the last quarter of 2019.
In the first quarter of 2019, the Norwegian economy increased by 2.5% compared with a growth of 1.9% in the previous quarter. The continent’s economy, which rules out oil production and associated shipping, increased by 3.7%. It’s an improvement over the growth of 2.6% in the previous quarter.
According to the forecasts of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), this year the economy will grow by Visiting, you can find more interesting information about this matter.
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