JPMorgan coin could destroy Ripple

The announce of JPMorgan coin has made some noise among the cryptocurrency community. And Ripple`s top management isn`t an exception.
JPM Coin is capable of destroying Ripple. We remain that Ripple is a company that specializes in cross-border payment.
BlombergTV editor Joe Weisenthal wrote on his Twitter page: “If it turns out that the Blockchain/Coin framework turns out to be a good one for banks transferring money around, then the JPM Coin should absolutely obliterate Ripple”
Authoritative trader under a nickname WhalePanda agrees with Weisenthal`s statement. “If you listen very carefully you will hear all Ripple holders now scream in agony,” said the expert.
The new initiative from JPMorgan has found a response among other well-known representatives of the crypto community. Thus, the “self-proclaimed Satoshi Nakamoto” Craig Wright wrote that he was possessed a patent, allegedly capable of restricting the right to issue JPM Coin.
Brad Garlinghouse, the head of Ripple, also responded to JPMorgan’s plans. He believes that there is no point in cryptocurrencies launched by banks. He is sure that if banks want to make deals with each other, they will have to exchange their unique digital currencies for Fiat. According to Garlinghouse`s statement, this approach is complete nonsense.
“As predicted, banks are changing their tune on crypto. But this JPM project misses the point – introducing a closed network today is like launching AOL after Netscape’s IPO,” wrote Ripple`s CEO.
GMOTrading notes that many smaller financial institutions also have plans to release its own digital assets.
For example, representatives of the New York-based Signature Bank said that they have been using Ethereum solutions from the Signet platform for several months, which allows them to instantly transfer dollar-linked stablecoins. More than 100 people already use the system. In addition, an average of $250K is on each account.
You can find more information about the cryptocurrency market, Bitcoin and Ripple on GMOTrading platform.

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**Investors should have experience and understand the risks of losing all the initial investment


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