Mark Zuckerberg has lost the biggest sum of money among billionaires

Head of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg has spent a current year at maximum difficulty level. The businessman had had approximately $75 bn earlier in the year, then his fortune decreased to $56 bn in mid-December. In other words, Mark has lost the biggest sum of money among billionaires.

But what is the main reason for such a situation? GMOTrading will explain you the grounds for Facebook founder`s problems.
Zuckerberg is the owner of 13% Facebook stocks and, as we know, the company has been facing many difficulties during this year. The most famous crisis was related to Cambridge Analytica scandal.
Also, Mark was accused of bad management, problems with shareholders and inappropriate content.
In view of the above, Facebook shares have dropped by 20% on July 25 after the company had demonstrated its income report for the second quarter to investors. As a result, Zuckerberg`s capital was rapidly decreased.
And one more problem, the civil rights group wants Mark Zuckerberg to step down as the company is “generating bigotry and hatred towards vulnerable communities” on December 18.
“It has become abundantly clear that, as currently constituted, your leadership team is unable to adequately address the valid concerns of the civil rights community,” the group wrote in the letter. “It is now time for significant changes in, not only your policies but also your leadership structure.”
Interesting fact, Zuckerberg`s welfare increased to $52bn when company`s stocks had fallen to the lowest point. However, Facebook stocks prices have been going up a bit, so Mark`s loss would be around $15 bn at the end of 2018, according to the Money journal.

The information above cannot be considered as an investment advice and past results do not indicate future performance.

**Investors should have experience and understand the risks of losing all the initial investment


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