Epic fail: Chinese principal mined Ethereum at work and the school lost thousands of dollars

As you know, cryptocurrency mining is one of the most popular and modern ways of earning extra money around the world. Somebody creates mining farms at home, other people rent office spaces or warehouses. But Chinese school principal Lei Hua and his colleague vice principal Wang Zhipeng decided to earn some extra cash right in the school.  

GMOTrading will tell you why it`s not worth to mine cryptocurrency at workspace if you don`t want to lose your money and job.  

It all started when the head of the educational institution and his friend bought nine devices which worth approximately $7000. Men used new computers for Ethereum mining and as a result, the school has incurred losses in the amount of $2163, according to local e-news outlet HK01.  

It is noteworthy that headmaster had mined cryptocurrency at home before the start of this story, but he thought it was too much expensive due to the high cost of electricity. That's why he moved crypto production equipment to his school where he was stealing electricity.  

A hidden mining has increased the gross of electricity consumption near twice and slowed down a speed of local IT-network. At first, the school authorities thought it was a conditioner problem, but after investigation, the truth came out 

Engaged in the theft of electricity principal has been dismissed from the job and removed from the Communist Party. His co-conspirator has already been reprimanded.  

Such stories are not unusual these days, but if you are not interested in cryptocurrency mining and find more other ways to earn Bitcoin or altcoins go to GMOTrading site.   


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