The USA will become the largest market for the gaming industry in 2019

Analytical office Newzoo once again calculated how much money the video game manufacturers will earn this year and in the near future. When creating the forecast, they interviewed more than 60 thousand specially invited respondents. They represent 30 countries, which account for 90% of all industry revenues.
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Already traditionally, analysts expect growth in all respects from entertainment for mobile gadgets. Games for them should make almost $ 70 billion - 45% of total revenues, and the share of smartphones will be 80%, the rest - tablets.
But from the PC platform, researchers expect a drop of 15% to $ 32 billion. At the same time, the consoles should add a slightly lower figure - 13.5% to $ 47 billion. In many countries, there is a slowdown in sales of the Xbox One and the PlayStation 4. Only the relatively recent Nintendo Switch saves the day from an even worse fall.
Newzoo is also expecting the US to return to the place of the largest video game market for the first time since 2015. All because of the freezing of licenses issued by the Chinese government. But the Asia-Pacific region will remain the largest geographically with $ 72 billion in revenue, displacing North America to second place with revenue of nearly $ 40 billion.
The forecast for 2022 draws the following picture: total revenue - $ 196 billion in revenue due to the next generation of consoles and the new version of the Nintendo Switch (or whatever else the Japanese corporation comes up with). Due to the problematic licensing in China and the desire to limit the playing time for the younger generation, the Asia-Pacific region will give way to the fastest growing Latin America. At the same time, the big three segments will add in turnover.

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