Pokemon Go developer has got $190 m of investment

Niantic is a developer of the famous Pokemon Go mobile game has raised approximately $190 m in the run-up to new Harry Potter project release. The information about investment was shared thanks to U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission documents. In the round of investment participated 26 anonymous investors.
According to the Wall Street Journal sources, Niantic has got money when the valuation was at $3,9 bn. It should be noted that the company`s valuation was at $2,7 bn points in 2017.
Investors hope Pokemon Go will remain a popular game in the future and the new game in the Harry Potter universe will raise many new players. In accordance with Wall Street Journal, the application will be launched by Niantic in 2019.
One more interesting fact, the Pokemon Go proceeds amounted to $2,2 bn since release in 2016. Under Sensor Tower research, the game revenue has increased by 35% in 2018 against the same period in 2017.
So, developers have earned $795 m. In other words, the game had brought near $2,2 m every day during last year.

The information above cannot be considered as an investment advice and past results do not indicate future performance.
**Investors should have experience and understand the risks of losing all the initial investment


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